
Battling Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is, simply put, when someone doubts themselves (and their work) and is afraid of being revealed as a fraud. Ironically, the first tweet I saw as soon as I made this here post live on my blog, was this: You’ve written and published a book. It’s getting good reviews and positive feedback. So that means that the crippling fear of writing the first draft of your next book is gone for good, right?…

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Families Telling Stories Through Board Games

  I just got back from a trip to Kentucky, along with some other Southern states. It was wonderful to get away, spend time with the in-laws, and tour the various states and cities my wife lived in while a missionary before we were married. There are countless stories to be told from the trip, but one in particular stands out to me as pertinent. My cousin and her family recently moved to Kentucky. Being…

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Reading is Research for Writers

Today I came across a Kickstarter campaign for a role playing game. The reason I found it was because someone had posted about its…uniqueness in one of the board game groups I’m apart of on Facebook. The RPG campaign is essentially shrouded in mystery, complete with pen-on-paper art drawings (from when the creator was apparently 12 years old), little to no information about the lore or gameplay, and an ego to fill a small moon…

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Blog Board Game

SaltCON 2018: A Weekend of Non-Stop Gaming

I may have mentioned my love for board games in previous posts (if not, shame on me). Game nights with friends and family are always some of my favorite times. What could be better than that? How about an entire weekend dedicated to board games? (I think we have a winner.) Earlier this month I made my way to SaltCON, a board game convention held in Layton, Utah. This was my fourth(?) time going, but my…

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NaNoWriMo 2017: Short Story Compilation

We’re ten days in to NaNoWriMo 2017 and the words are, well, they’re coming (I guess). I’m just under 17,000 words which is technically on par the the date, but let’s be real here…I’m not writing every day, and the days I do write I can struggle to reach 1,000 words. BUT I CAN DO THIS! This is my sixth year doing NaNoWriMo, and I’ve reached 50K words every time. Given, I’ve had a lot…

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Beginning Book 2

Last week I finished the rewrite of Dwarf Mountain. It’s a completely different book now, and it’s for the better. For now, I’m going to set that book on the back burner. Starting November 1, I will begin writing the sequel to Dwarf Mountain, and I want to give you, fair reader, a look into my writing process. Last night I began plotting out where my second book in the series will take us. Of course, I…

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