
NaNoWriMo 2017: Short Story Compilation

We’re ten days in to NaNoWriMo 2017 and the words are, well, they’re coming (I guess). I’m just under 17,000 words which is technically on par the the date, but let’s be real here…I’m not writing every day, and the days I do write I can struggle to reach 1,000 words. BUT I CAN DO THIS! This is my sixth year doing NaNoWriMo, and I’ve reached 50K words every time. Given, I’ve had a lot…

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3 Storytelling Lessons from the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival

The Timpanogos Storytelling Festival held in Utah is now something of a tradition for me. I’ve been going for four or five years now (can’t remember when I actually started attending…), and it seems like every year gets better and better. I took a half day from work on Friday to see the Friday afternoon tellers, and went all day Saturday as well as Saturday night. Storytellers such as Donald Davis, Bil Lepp, and Carmon…

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3 Laws of Comedy to Use in Your Writing

  Comedy plays a huge role in our lives. I mean, think about it…there are massively popular late-night TV shows based around making fun of current world events and situations. What’s so funny about the president of the United States (besides his orange completion and Pidgeotto hairstyle)? Why do we get a good laugh over Mr. Kim of North Korea when he’s launching missiles and threatening the USA? From a certain point of view, these…

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2nd Draft Complete!

After finishing the first draft of Beneath the Haze in December and taking a decent break between that draft and draft number two, I am pleased to announce that as of last night, draft two is officially done! So what does that mean? Basically, I’m going to take another break from editing Beneath the Haze, but I’m not going to completely forget about it. At this point, I’m going to read it through with my wife (who…

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A Renewing Break from Writing

Writing is a huge part of who I am. I’ve been doing it since I was a wee lad, and continued through high school, college, and grad school. Now, I still get to write, as far as time allows. This summer has been all kinds of crazy, with three family reunions to attend, family staying with us for weeks at a time, and other time-consuming activities that are fun, even though they don’t involve writing.…

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Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction: Arctic Winds of Eldritch Horror

  I cannot begin to describe the eldritch horrors that awoke that day while we traversed the eternal, arctic waste. The sun – what little showed itself on those white, dreary plains – nearly blinded us with its wicked glare, forcing our eyes to squint so as to nearly render us completely blind. From such a wicked light we could nary see but five feet to our front. The howling wind was our only companion…

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Why My 2-Year-Old Has a (New) Hole in His Head

Let me tell you the tale of how my 2-year-old ended up at the urgent care with a new hole in his face. So there we were, two Sundays ago, sitting around a living room and talking and laughing and having a good time. Our toddler doesn’t stop moving for anything, so him running around the living room wasn’t anything abnormal. But, as most toddlers do, he tripped, and his forehead found the corner of…

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Our (Doomed) Road Trip to Canada

This is the tale of how I, along with my wife and two small children, almost didn’t make it to our family reunion in Canada.   The Adventure Begins Getting up at 4:00 in the morning has never been appealing to me, and even less so when I have a 13 hour drive on my hands. But, as is the way of long-distance travel, we got up early and left the house by 5:00 a.m…

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Novel Update, I Made a Board Game, and Other Excuses

Welp, it’s certainly been a while since I last updated my blog here. Here’s what’s been going on:   Beneath the Haze I am currently halfway through the first round of edits on my novel, Beneath the Haze. This stage of edits focuses on plot holes and inconsistencies. I’ll most likely be adding half a dozen (or more) new chapters into the work in order to fill said plot holes and make everything flow better.…

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Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction: Office Worker, Dragon Slayer

  I was late, as usual. There’s something about mornings that just refuses to let me wake up. I think I’m cursed with dark magic. I ran to catch the bus, but it pulled away from the stop just moments before I reached it. Resigning myself to another day late for work, I sat down to wait for the next bus. Five minutes passed and I was ready to just call in sick. Again. I pulled out…

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